adam bien's blog

JavaOne 2025 Afterglow / Conference Recap 📎

  1. Convenient and nice location: all sessions were in one building - there was enough time to walk between sessions, have a hallway conversation ...and get a coffee.
  2. Speaking of coffee, the standard coffee was good and much better than in the hotel. And great Italian speciality coffees were served by passionate San Francisco baristas. I had my first Cortado at JavaOne.
  3. Excellent presentations by core Java/Oracle engineers. They were well prepared with great content. Talking to (former) Oracle engineers / Java committers has always been my main motivation for attending JavaOne.
  4. Good (great?) food, (too) good local biscuits. Always plenty of drinks and coffee.
  5. Great attention to detail: useful gifts, nice stickers, JavaOne branded seat cushions, Java coasters, JavaOne signposts, badge flags and posters.
  6. Good party venues: the food was good, the venues were nice, and it was easy to make conversation.
  7. JavaOne was also better attended than expected.
  8. Perfect organisation: from the badge to the schedule to the conference app, everything worked perfectly.

I was surprised by the quality of the conference and started asking attendees about their experiences. The answers were all positive.

The most surprising fact was that the majority of people were attending JavaOne for the first time. I asked during my presentation - more than 70% had never been to JavaOne before.

It is hard to find anything that could be improved, other than the size of the rooms. The rooms were either too big or too small. There was a lack of medium sized rooms. I also missed the evening BoF sessions, but my schedule was already packed.

In the event that my proposal is accepted - see you again in the year 2026

From Predator Plants to Concordance with podcast 📎

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The #338 episode with Volker Simonis (@volker_simonis) about:
Predator plants, Carnivorous Plant Society, SAP, Sun Microsystems, MaxDB and Java
is available for

The Database podcast 📎

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The #337 episode with Alvaro Hernandez (@ahachete) about:
running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes and the role of Kubernetes in enterprise projects
is available for

Spring 2025: Conferences, JUGs, Workshops and Livestreams 📎

  1. This is the way: Serverless First With Java on AWS[online event]
    Riyadh Java User Group session 10 March 2025
  2. JavaOne: Real World Lean Java Practices, Patterns, Hacks, and Workarounds [SES1112]
    session JavaOne Redwood Shores March 2025
  3. JavaLand: Keynote: 30 Jahre Java - Hypes, Akronyme, Buzzwords und Paradigmen
    keynote JavaLand Nurburgring 1 April 2025
  4. JavaLand: No Dependencies: Pure Java AI/LLM Integration
    session JavaLand Nurburgring 1 April 2025
  5. Tech Lounge: The Future is Now: Building Enterprise Java Applications in the Cloud
    session / workshop Tech Lounge Eschborn (Frankfurt) 29 April 2025
  6. JAX: The Best of Java Shorts Show: 100 Snippets in 45 Minutes
    session JAX Mainz 6 May 2025
  7. JAX: Pure Java Enterprise AI / LLM Integration Patterns, Hacks und Workarounds
    session JAX Mainz 6 May 2025
  8. geecon: The Best of Java Shorts Show: 100 Snippets in 45 Minutes
    session geecon Krakow May 2025
  9. LLM / GenAI Patterns, Architectures and Use Cases with Java[online event] workshop 10 July 2025
  10. Hardcore Serverless Java on AWS[online event] workshop 17 July 2025
  11. Questions and Answers #livestream[online event]
    live streaming show first monday of the month, 8pm CET

From OCCAM and CSP to podcast 📎

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The #336 episode with Kevlin Henney (@KevlinHenney) about:
distributed computing, actor-based communication, object-oriented programming and Java
is available for

Service Discovery, J2EE to Quarkus, AWS Lambda, System Testing, CI/CD and JFRs--132nd 📎

The 2025.03 / 132nd edition of with the following topics:
" J2EE to Quarkus migration can save around 50% memory for on-premise deployments, EJBs are straightforward to migrate but MDBs with two-phase commit are challenging, Change Data Capture like Debezium is an elegant solution for transaction handling, Running JFR all the time in production is a best practice for on-premise deployments, CryoStat provides visualization for JFR events in OpenShift, Quarkus binary executables work well for AWS Lambda but require managing your own runtime, Using AWS-managed Corretto runtime is advantageous for security patching, Application Load Balancer can route to both Fargate and Lambda behind the same URI, Function URL is the cheapest way to run Lambda but HTTP API Gateway provides nicer URIs, Monolithic applications are still valuable when well-structured, Modern Java with records can make JDBC more appealing than ORMs for complex queries, Cloud provider migration is less about Java code and more about mapping equivalent services, System testing should be done by deploying applications to production-like environments and testing them functionally." ready to watch:

See you every first Monday of the month at 8pm CET (UTC+1:00). Show is also announced at:

Any questions left? Ask now:

Service Discovery, J2EE to Quarkus, AWS Lambda, System Testing, CI/CD and JFRs--Questions and Topics for the 132nd 📎

Questions and topics for the 2025.03 / 132nd edition of with the following topics:
  1. How should I handle MDBs (Message-Driven Beans) and two-phase commits when migrating Java EE applications to Quarkus while minimizing code rewrites?
  2. Is it advisable to keep Java Flight Recording (JFR) running continuously in production for capturing data when a pod crashes?
  3. What are the best practices for effectively using Java Flight Recording in an OpenShift cluster environment?
  4. Is deploying a Quarkus binary executable as a custom runtime for AWS Lambda better than using a container image?
  5. How can a Lambda function be used to offload work from Kubernetes/locally hosted Quarkus services during peak demand?
  6. 100 episodes back in time:
    Monolithic Java EE?, UI (servlet,JSP) vs. EJB / CDI authentication, JDBC vs. ORMs, implementing a WebService on a JVM vs. on an application server, Docker host resolution and staging, Launching docker images in production, Multiple server instances vs. multiple docker containers, Solr vs. ElasticSearch, Docker RAM limits vs. JVM maxheap, How to learn Java EE and Java, The Purpose of ejb-jar.xml, gRPC and microservices, Handling security patches with Docker, UriInfo with proxies, Approaches to secure JAX-RS services

Any questions left? Ask now: and get the answers at the next Some questions are also answered with a short video: 60 seconds or less with Java

Ask questions during the show via twitter mentioning me: (@AdamBien),using the hashtag: #airhacks or built-in chat at: You can join the Q&A session live each first Monday of month, 8 P.M at

Java Scalability podcast 📎

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The #335 episode with Francesco Nigro (@forked_franz) about:
scalability considerations with Vert.x, Netty, virtual threads and Quarkus
is available for

Livestream: Quarkus Insights #196: Real World Quarkus 📎

From Jakarta EE and MicroProfile, Setup and (System) Testing to internal application structure, GraalVM and serverless architectures:

From Kona Coffee Beans to podcast 📎

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Pure Java podcast 📎

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Caching, Refactoring Strategies, Sealed Interfaces, JFokus, Digma--131st 📎

The 2025.02 / 131st edition of with the following topics:
"AWS Lambda authorizers for API Gateway, sealed interfaces in Java, caching strategies and considerations, focus on integration and end-to-end testing over unit testing, writing simple and readable Java code, iterating quickly on projects, differences between Quarkus and Spring, similarities between Java EE/Jakarta EE and Spring development, using vanilla JavaScript effectively, reflections on Java technology evolution over the years" ready to watch:

See you every first Monday of the month at 8pm CET (UTC+1:00). Show is also announced at:

Any questions left? Ask now:

Live At Jfokus: Real World Lean Java Practices, Patterns, Hacks and Workarounds 📎

This session was presented live at Jfokus Stockholm:
This session is about practical, no-nonsense coding. We'll explore lean Java 21+ practices and patterns that eliminate bloat and hacks that increase productivity. We will start with structuring and organizing backend monoliths and microservices, cover testing, then move on to decoupling, abstractions, Data Oriented Programming, automation with pure Java and the impact of LLM assistants on design and code structure.
>>slides are available for download

Caching, Refactoring Strategies, Sealed Interfaces, JFokus, Digma--Questions and Topics for 131st 📎

Questions and topics for the 2025.02 / 131st edition of with the following topics:
  1. caching strategies for databases
  2. moving fast, what to refactor, lessons learned
  3. the enhanced purpose of sealed interfaces
  4. Jfokus conference report
  5. Digma product launch
  6. BASE and 800 Java shorts
  7. 100 episodes back in time: JavaOne impressions,Java EE 8/9 news, contents, roadmaps and caveats,Load balancing Java EE servers on Docker,Oracle JVM vs. others,CDI and clustering,Combining JAX-RS and JSF,"Micro" vs. "Full" application servers and docker,JDBC pool configuration on docker,Portable SAM modules,Java FX and the future,REST API and validation,Consuming REST services (HTTP header interpretation),How to profile server startup,Service communication without docker,How to consume / choose JavaOne sessions?,WildFly monitoring capabilities,Event sourcing and Java EE,REST API doc generation"

Any questions left? Ask now: and get the answers at the next Some questions are also answered with a short video: 60 seconds or less with Java

Ask questions during the show via twitter mentioning me: (@AdamBien),using the hashtag: #airhacks or built-in chat at: You can join the Q&A session live each first Monday of month, 8 P.M at

From Swing to podcast 📎

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The #332 episode with Richard Bair (@RichardBair) about:
Swing, Blockchain, distributed programming and solving the Byzantine Generals Problem
is available for

Postgres Performance Optimization: Connection Pooling, JDBC, and Distributed podcast 📎

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The #331 episode with Alvaro Hernandez (@ahachete) about:
PostgreSQL performance optimizations, JDBC contributions, SCRAM authentication and distributed databases
is available for

Early 2025: Conferences, Workshops, JUGs and Livestreams 📎

  1. Jfokus: Real World Lean Java Practices, Patterns, Hacks and Workarounds
    session Jfokus Stockholm 4 February 2025
  2. JUG Helsinki: Pure Java LLM Patterns, Tricks and Hacks for the Enterprise
    session JUG Helsinki Helsinki 19 February 2025
  3. JavaOne: Real World Lean Java Practices, Patterns, Hacks, and Workarounds [SES1112]
    session JavaOne Redwood Shores March 2025
  4. This is the way: Serverless First With Java on AWS[online event]
    Riyadh Java User Group session 10 March 2025
  5. JavaLand: Keynote: 30 Jahre Java - Hypes, Akronyme, Buzzwords und Paradigmen
    keynote JavaLand Nurburgring 1 April 2025
  6. JavaLand: No Dependencies: Pure Java AI/LLM Integration
    session JavaLand Nurburgring 1 April 2025
  7. JAX: The Best of Java Shorts Show: 100 Snippets in 45 Minutes
    session JAX Mainz 6 May 2025
  8. JAX: Pure Java Enterprise AI / LLM Integration Patterns, Hacks und Workarounds
    session JAX Mainz 6 May 2025
  9. geecon: The Best of Java Shorts Show: 100 Snippets in 45 Minutes
    session geecon Krakow May 2025
  10. LLM / GenAI Patterns, Architectures and Use Cases with Java[online event] workshop 10 July 2025
  11. Hardcore Serverless Java on AWS[online event] workshop 17 July 2025
  12. Questions and Answers #livestream[online event]
    live streaming show first monday of the month, 8pm CET

Natural Born podcast 📎

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The #330 episode with Francesco Nigro (@forked_franz) about:
about Java, performance, mechanical sympathy, low level optimizations ...and breakdance
is available for

Just Another CDI podcast 📎

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The #329 episode with Ladislav Thon (@ladicek) about:
CDI 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, CDI-lite, deployment-time optimizations and Quarkus
is available for

Prepared Statements, Connection Pooling, Sharding, Partitioning and Serverless Workloads with Oracle podcast 📎

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The #328 episode with Gerald Venzl (@GeraldVenzl) about:
the inner workings of SQL query parsing, prepared statements, connection pooling and serverless workloads with Oracle Database
is available for

Serverless NoOps, LLM Development, Cloud Automation and IaC, Hyperscalers vs. Appwrite --130th 📎

The 2025.01 / 130th edition of with the following topics:
"Java well-suited for LLM inference and training, NoOps concept possible with serverless architecture, cloud services offer better automation through APIs, on-premise serverless less beneficial for regular data centers, AppWrite as backend service has pros but vendor lock-in concerns, generative AI unlikely to fully replace backend development, Quarkus offers fast cold start times for serverless functions, evolution of Java ecosystem over 8 years including shift to serverless and cloud-native development" ready to watch:

See you every first Monday of the month at 8pm CET (UTC+1:00). Show is also announced at:

Any questions left? Ask now:

Steve Jobs and Enterprise Java, Kubernetes Costs, Java LLM, BCE, LangGraph4J, Logging--129th 📎

The 2024.12 / 129th edition of with the following topics:
"Kubernetes true costs including VPC and network components, Mobile development options with pros and cons, Java's capabilities for local LLM inference, Historical influence of Steve Jobs on Java enterprise development, Repository pattern critique and alternatives, Elastic vs OpenSearch considerations, Approaches to entity validation and error handling, Reflections on Java development practices over time" ready to watch:

See you every first Monday of the month at 8pm CET (UTC+1:00). Show is also announced at:

Any questions left? Ask now:

From Enterprise Java to Cloud-Native podcast 📎

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The #327 episode with Alvaro Hernandez (@ahachete) about:
Enterprise Java, Quarkus and cloud-native PostgreSQL
is available for

From Didaktik Gama to podcast 📎

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The #326 episode with Ladislav Thon (@ladicek) about:
Didaktik Gama, NoSQL with MySQL, JBoss, Thorntail and Quarkus
is available for

Espresso: Java on podcast 📎

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The #325 episode with Alfonso Peterssen (@TheMukel) about:
running Java on Java aka Espresso and LLMs on Java updates
is available for