adam bien's blog

CommunityOne West (San Francisco) Session "2 Years of Glassfish in Development And Production - …and still excited?" was Accepted 📎

My CommunityOne session with the title: "2 Years of Glassfish in Development And Production - …and still excited?" was accepted. I'd like to discuss the following topics, its the origin abstract:  

"This session introduces Glassfish v2/v3 from the view of an
independent Java EE developer. Especially capabilities like:
- Monitoring of Java EE 5 applications
- Hot Deployment
- Effective development of Java EE 5
- Documentation and access to resources
- Configuration
- IDE integration
- Upgrades, Classpath settings
- Migration from other application servers
-  The use of JMS, EJB, JPA, JCA
Also useful information for daily work with glassfish, as well as testability,
performance scalability etc. are highlighted during this talk. Not only
features, but challenges are discussed during this session. The theory is
explained with many live demos."

I'm thinking about to show more demos and hack something on stage again (like at CommunityOne East), instead of presenting hundreds of slides. But I'm "agile" in this case - so what do you think about this? Constructive suggestions are very welcome.