adam bien's blog
Death march, EJB3 and the OOP conference 📎
I'm back from OOP 2007 (Munich). My first session was about the issues of a migration from EJB 2 to EJB 3: Death March or Hike (Gewaltmarsch oder Wanderung? –
Migration von J2EE-Applikationen auf EJB 3.0) the second one about the challenges in SOA-projects: Architectural Challenges with SOA (Architektonische und technische Herausforderungen von SOA).
Nice audience and conference. After my sessions we discussed some interesting topics like: Do the quality of code really matter? Mocks -good or bad? What are the goals of SOA? How expensive is SOAP? We want SOA - what is to do?
I will cover some of these topics in my blog..