adam bien's blog

Embedding Glassfish V3 in Unit Test - Two Jars, Three Lines Of Code And Five Seconds Start With Deployment 📎

There is already a great blog entry about using Glassfish v3 in embedded mode (I "reused" some ideaas and even code from the post - this is how web works :-)). It explains the whole process, to install, build and test Glassfish v3 using maven 2. However I just liked to do it without maven - and as easy as possible. To start glassfish you only need two jar:

  • gf-embedded-api-1.0-alpha-4.jar
  • web-all-10.0-build-20080430.jar

Having them in the classpath, you can start glassfish v3 just from your code - in process:

  GlassFish glassfish = new GlassFish(port);
It is not only possible to start glassfish in embedded code, it is even possible to deploy applications on the fly. The following code does exactly that:

ScatteredWar war = new ScatteredWar(NAME, new File("src/main/resources"), new File("src/main/resources/WEB-INF/web.xml"),   Collections.singleton(new File("build/classes").toURI().toURL()));

...and the full test code:

import org.glassfish.embed.GlassFish;
import org.glassfish.embed.ScatteredWar;
//and other obvious imports

public class HelloServletTest{
private final String NAME = "AppTest";
public static int port = 9999;

private GlassFish glassFish;

    public void bootGlassfish() throws Exception{
        this.glassFish = newGlassFish(port);
    public void testServlet() throws Exception {
        URL url = new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/" + NAME + "/HelloServlet");
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(
                new InputStreamReader(
        assertEquals("Hallo from servlet", br.readLine());

    private GlassFish newGlassFish(int port) throws Exception {
        GlassFish glassfish = new GlassFish(port);
        ScatteredWar war = new ScatteredWar(NAME,
                new File("src/main/resources"),
                new File("src/main/resources/WEB-INF/web.xml"),
                Collections.singleton(new File("build/classes").toURI().toURL()));
        System.out.println("Ready ...");
        return glassfish;
    public void shutdown(){

The unit test is only a sample, in general I woul start glassfish in the static @BeforeClass method - for one test it is good enough.
Glassfish v3 is not production ready yet - but it becomes more and more interesting for development. Cannot wait for embeddable EJB 3 containers :-).

I checked in the whole project (with servlet, glassfish jars and the unit test) into the p4j5. The project name is: EmbeddedGlassfishWeb. The remaining question is: from where I have this two jars - the answer is simple: from the maven repository :-).

So, and I'm going to present this stuff now  - I'm at Jazoon :-).