adam bien's blog

Fast + Convenient Way To Create Glassfish v3/v2 Connection Pools / Data Sources 📎

With Glassfish v2/v3 you can create a connection pool and data sources manually, by:

  • Copying the JDBC-driver jar into [GLASSFISH_HOME]/domains/(domain1)/lib
  • Setting up a connection pool and data source using the asadmin, web console, RESTful interface (v3) or editing the domain.xml file.

In Netbeans (6.7/6.8) the connection pools and datasources can directly deployed from the IDE. You can just "reuse" existing connection from the "services" tab, or create new one:

  1. Click on Databases -> Drivers  and choose "New Driver".
  2. Point to an existing JDBC driver jar.
  3. Click on Databases -> New Connection and select your freshly created driver

After this step you will be able to connect the database, browse the tables and execute SQL-statements. Its convenient for development.

If you want to deploy a JDBC connection with your app, then:

  1. Click on your project (WAR, EJB) and choose New -> Other -> Glassfish -> Connection Pool
  2. Select your existing or freshly created connection - all the data will be extracted.
  3. Repeat Step 1. choosing a DataSource
  4. DataSource and ConnectionPools should appear in Tab "Services" -> Servers -> Glassfish -> Resources -> JDBC -> JDBC Resources
At the next deployment the connection, together with the JDBC-driver will be installed on the Glassfish. Now you can refer to the the newly created in e.g. persistence.xml.  I tested it with Glassfish v2 and v3.