Hacking Bookstore in a Bookstore ...with Java EE 6 - FREE JUG Session 📎
Because JUGs are fun - I will try to show as many Java EE 6 features as possible, and so probably over-engineer the application a bit. I promised that several times already - but now its time to proof the "lightweightness" of Java EE 6 in the IDE and not only on slides. I would introduce at least REST, JSF 2, CDI (JSR-330 and JSR-299), JPA, Bean Validation, EJB 3.1, Mocks, Unit Tests probably Maven (depends on the internet connection). Please prepare some heretical questions, or ideas.
See you at the bookstore "Lehmanns", 8 pm. They should also have some of "Real World Java EE Patterns - Rethinking Best Practices" books.