adam bien's blog

Java EE 6, JBoss 6 (is it usable?) And The Server Smoke Test 📎

jboss- is out. And it comes with a bunch of Java EE 6 improvements. I wrote a ServerSmokeTest application (with maven build in NetBeans 6.9.1) to test some features like:
  1. Stereotypes (encapsulating @Named and @RequestScoped)
  2. @RequestScoped, @Named CDI-Beans
  3. Accessing @RequestScoped Managed Bean from a JSF page with EL
  4. Injection of EJB 3.1 (no interface view), into CDI bean
  5. Injection of EJB 3.1 (no interface view) @Singleton, into @Stateless EJB 3.1 bean
  6. Local distribution of CDI-events
  7. Injecting POJOs with @Inject into EJB 3.1
  8. Intercepting Beans with @AroundInvoke
Boot time of JBoss 6m5 is about 15.7 secs. Everything worked out-off-the-box without any problems. The installation is easy (=unzip) and the server comes even with a graphical admin console. To test it yourself just go to the project (inside ServerSmokeTest), execute mvn clean install and copy the ServerSmokeTest.war into: jboss- Wait few seconds (~5) and you should see the deployment messages. The full deployment takes about 3 seconds. The same application runs in Glassfish v3.0.1 without any modification. Just copy the ServerSmokeTest.war into glassfishv3.0.1/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy/.

You can start the application in either server with: http://localhost:8080/ServerSmokeTest/. Persistence is not tested yet (at least it is not a part of the application).
[Thanks to the JBoss engineers. I was invited to the JBoss OneDayTalk conference and downloaded JBoss 6m5 night before my talk. I used JBoss instead of Glassfish to explain Java EE 6 without any tooling (NetBeans 6.9.1 only supports JBoss 5, but not 6) - and it worked. My pulse, however, was a bit higher than usual :-).]