adam bien's blog

Java Is Not Sufficiently Challenging For Me 📎

I recently worked with a consultant who insisted to use other JVM programming language than Java. We were in a Java EE 7 project on Java 8 and I felt productive.

I was curious about the motivation and asked "Why something else? Our pace is great." His answer was: "It is boring. Java is not sufficiently challenging for me"

For me "boring" means "simple" and this is a very good thing. In my opinion not the platform, rather than the domain logic should be challenging.

However, such desire would be simple to fulfill. We could switch back to early 2000's and J2EE with XDoclet and Ant. J2EE was not particularly challenging, but required some patience. Adding some superfluous frameworks, abstractions and modules would make our developer lives even more exciting. Ultimately we could distribute the system across multiple processes--and could fully focus on technology without even thinking about the business requirements.

We have to learn, but production projects are not the right place for artificial challenges. "Innovation Fridays" or leisure projects are perfect for using as challenging technology as you desire. If it works and is productive, the "exciting" technology could be incorporated back into real world projects.

See you at Java EE Workshops at MUC Airport, particularly at the Java EE Architectures workshop!