adam bien's blog

JavaONE Day -1 Update, Glassfish Unconference and Unparty @ThirstyBear 📎

At sunday I participated at the Glassfish Unconference (1PM-7PM), It was an unique opportunity to deep dive into opensso, cometd, reverse ajax, embeddable EJB container, OSGI support, Eclipse tooling, discuss performance, authentication and authorization with JAX-RS and Java FX,  REST / JSON, JAXB, metro and JAX-WS, IceFacaces, and even RichFaces architecture with committers, experts spec leads, and Glassfish engineers. I not only really enjoyed it, but also learned a lot.

After the conference there was an (un)party in ThirstyBear, the only difference was the increase of the (technical) talk intensity.

 Btw. I tried to enroll in my own session, but it is full:

 ID#: S303893 

Title: Two Years of GlassFish™ Application Server in Development and Production . . . and Still Excited? 
Track: Server-side Platforms 
Date: 01-JUN-09 
Time: 01:40 PM - 02:30 PM 

Room: Esplanade 301

But if you are interested, feel free to contact me during the conference. We can start a hall-conversation :-)