I was asked to push the code on every break to http://kenai.com/projects/javaee-patterns and announced the URL via twitter @AdamBien. The most popular question in the whole workshop was: "Please show me the index.html again". It seems like the whole Java EE 6 stuff was trivial to understand :-)
In the session: Session: Java EE 6: ...and where is my over-engineering? I discussed most (1h is too short for all :-)) of the superfluous J2EE patterns and best practices. The popular Java EE track was hold in the keynote room. All the Java EE 6 sessions were overcrowded. In the session Session: Some Java History: from JDK 1.0 to 1.7 I presented my view of the history of Java. In the "Sun Java Studio 1.0" demo I presented what was possible in 1997. The software ran on JDK 1.1.3 and was crazy fast on my machine :-) Every "pro"-blogger should write a post "Java Programming Language is Dead" this time to be taken seriously by the community. In the Session: Java is dead? No #1., I presented my opposite point of view: "Given you are pragmatic in your Java projects - it really rocks".