adam bien's blog

"Lean Service / Domain Driven Components with Java EE 6 - without Spring" - Free JUG Session 📎

I was invited by Juergen Hoeller, the ejug lead and co-founder of Spring, to talk about Java EE 6 components. I submitted the session with the title "Lean Service / Domain Driven Components with Java EE 6 - without Spring" ...and he accepted it :-). This meeting could be interesting, Juergen will talk about "Spring 3.0 in a Java EE 6 World" so the two sessions should complement each other. This event will end with an open discussion (with Juergen and me ) about "Building Components in 2010".We met us already on stage during the JAX conference several years ago. I enjoyed the session - it was really constructive. We discussed EJB 3 vs. Spring or similar topic.

Thanks to Juergen Hoeller for the invitation!