adam bien's blog

Mocking JPA EntityManager with Query 📎

EntityManager is an interface and can be easily mocked out with

At the same time the EntityManager is also a factory, which creates Query instance, which in turn creates results. Mocking a query involves therefore a three step (=three lines process):

public class RegistrationsTest {

    Registrations cut;

    public void init() {
        this.cut = new Registrations();
        this.cut.priceCalculator = mock(VatCalculator.class);

        this.cut.em = mock(EntityManager.class);


    void mockQuery(String name, List<Registration> results) {

        Query mockedQuery = mock(Query.class);


After this step you can easily return whatever results you like:

    public void convertEmptyListToJson() {

        mockQuery(Registration.findAll, Collections.EMPTY_LIST);

        final JsonArray result = this.cut.allAsJson();

If you would like to ignore the parameters, or react to specific query parameters, the method Query::setParameter needs to be mocked as well:

  when(mockedQuery.setParameter(Matchers.anyString(), Matchers.anyObject())).thenReturn(mockedQuery);

See the entire unit test: The whole example is available as maven archetype.

Usually complex queries are going to be encapsulated in dedicated controls, so it is easier to mock out the whole control instead.

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