adam bien's blog

My JavaONE Session (TS-4864) Is Classified as "hot" now... 📎

I tried to register to the early JavaFX SDK program and found (surprisingly) a link to my session: "Java™ SE 6 and Java EE 6 Platform the Operating System for Interactive RIAs, TS-4864, at Friday 05/09/2008 1:30 PM-2:30 PM, in Esplanade 305". was marked as "hot" (just go to and click on "Friday") - I'm already looking forward to it. Funny enough: this session got the same slot, as my session last year with similar title (see feedback / class evaluation). However, I will go more into detail with some demos (I got several emails with this request).

Warning: The focus is not visual stuff (effects, animations), but structure, best practices and design of complete, efficient but still maintainable applications. I'm going especially to cover the boundary between the presentation and business tier and cover Data Binding, Stateless vs. Stateful, Model View Presenter (Passive View and Supervising Controller) and Hybrid Components. I will cover the impact of JavaFX Script to the maintainability and best practices as well.

For the demos I will use "commodity" Netbeans 6.1 (Java EE) with Glassfish v2ur2. I will show Swing and JSF demos as well. So -> see you at Friday.