adam bien's blog

Netbeans 6.8m1 + Wicket - First Smoke Test 📎

  1. Wicket Plugin is not available from the Plugin Manager for Netbeans 6.8m1 yet. You have to download it directly.
  2. The download (, search for Wicket) and installation are easy. You have to extract the zip file and point the Plugin Manager to the directory. After IDE-restart you are ready to go.
  3. An existing Wicket-Project was "recognized" correctly. wicket:ids were recognized. You can jump from the wicket:id in HTML into the corresponding Java-file.
  4. The structure of the Wicket-Components was correctly visualized in the Navigator (choose Wicket Tags)
  5. Renaming of the HTML and Java files works well. Both were correctly synchronized.
  6. The creation wizards for new Wicket Pages and Panels are helpful. The Java and HTML files are created simultaneously.

From time to time an exception dialog opened. This happens from time to time, but it seems not to influence the IDE stability. It is a known bug

The re-deployment of Wicket + EJB 3 + JPA in background works surprisingly well. Changes in Java files were recognized correctly - the deployment of about 15 EJB3 Session Beans, 55 JPA Entities, about 20 Wicket pages and panels takes about 1 second - to few seconds on Glassfish v2.1.

Changes in the HTML pages in the src folder in the WAR-projects were not recognized. After changing the HTML-files you will have to redeploy the project manually.

The wicket plugin is helpful and saves time - I keep to use it with Netbeans 6.8m1 in "production".