adam bien's blog

NetBeans 7 Git Plugin--Small Update, Huge Impact 📎

The Git plugin version: is automatically updated by NetBeans 7.0.1 update mechanism and available after IDE restart.
Now the NetBeans Git Plugin supports all the major operations, including:
  1. Clone (with different protocols: git, ssh, rsync, http+s, ftp), Fetch, Checkout and Push
  2. Branch management: create, checkout + merge
  3. Hard, Soft resets
  4. History browsing
  5. Show changes
  6. Capable repository browser
  7. Show Annotations - NetBeans shows the hash (treeish) for each line of code in the editor
  8. Automatic creation of patch files ("Export uncommitted changes")

The only lacking thing is support for tagging. I didn't found any menu / context menu entries for tagging (git tag -a …).

You can even use NetBeans as a plain Git client without the requirement for creating any projects. With the Favorites view (Ctrl+3 / Cmd +3) you can manage any Git folders directly in the filesystem.
So you can use NetBeans 7 also as a Plain, Old, Standalone Git client (POSGI :-))…