Productive Java EE 6 - Rethinking Best Practices, Planned For San Jose, Takes Place in Krakow (JDD) ...and Netbeans Days, or Poland the "Java Land"? 📎
I was asked several times for sessions about Java EE 6, EJB 3 in English. I planned a talk at the JAX in U.S. this week, but it was moved to next year because of strategic reasons (I assume to directly compete with Java ONE :-)). However I will give similar talk several thousands miles away - at the JDD in Krakow (Poland) in English. It seems like it will be an interesting conference, Ted Neward and Neil Ford will come as well. Even more interesting, it is nearly the same flight duration between Munich and Krakau, as between Munich and Hamburg - so looking forward to it.
I gave similar talk (it took over 2 hours) at the JUG in HH - with over 160 attendees. So EJB 3 / Java EE 6 seems to really take off.
Funny enough, I was asked to participate at Netbeans World Tour in Poland (in October). So something seems to going on in Poland (Javaland):-). I will attend at both events (saturday, Posen and sunday, Danzig). I plan to hack the whole session live with Netbeans 6.1, 6.5, developer snapshot, Glassfish v2 and v3 prelude a whole Java EE 5/6 (RestFul services, SOAP, EJB 3.1, JSF, Servlets, Filters, JMS, JPA I will only skip JCA :-) ) application interactively. With many hacks, patterns and probably errors :-).