adam bien's blog

Ride The Lightning: Java EE 6 Server JBoss 7 - A Smoke Test 📎

JBoss 7.0 is an opensource, fast and easy to install Java EE 6 (WebProfile and uncertified full profile ) application server.
The test:

  1. Download size of WebProfile 7.0.0.Final is: 66 MB The size of "everything edition" is: 72 MB
  2. Installation = Unzip
  3. Disc size: 78,5MB after installation
  4. Startup: Execution of jboss-as-web-7.0.0.Final/bin/ is extremely fast (< 3 secs):"…(Controller Boot Thread) JBoss AS 7.0.0.Final "Lightning" started in 2688ms…"
  5. Deployment: copy of the ServerSmokeTest.war into jboss-as-web-7.0.0.Final/standalone/deployments/. App is available under: http://localhost:8080/ServerSmokeTest
  6. Full deployment of ServerSmokeTest took < 2 secs.
  7. Tested were: Stereotypes (encapsulating @Named and @RequestScoped), @RequestScoped, @Named CDI-Beans, Injection of EJB 3.1 (no interface view), into CDI bean, @Singleton,@Stateless, CDI-events, POJO-injection, Interceptors
  8. ServerSmokeTest works without any modification on Glassfish v3, JBoss 6m5, SIwpas-1.0.0-CR4, resin-4.0.12 ...and almost JBoss 7:

The application was deployable without any modifications - but the invocation didn't work. A minor DI bug prevented the injection of an EJB into a CDI managed bean:

java.lang.RuntimeException: No EjbLookup registry has been provided CDI @EJB injection 
[field] @EJB com.abien.smokingservers.presentation.Index.fireStarter
	at org.jboss.weld.util.Beans.injectEEFields(
	at org.jboss.weld.bean.ManagedBean$ManagedBeanInjectionTarget$1$1.proceed(
	at org.jboss.weld.bean.ManagedBean$ManagedBeanInjectionTarget$
	at org.jboss.weld.bean.ManagedBean$
	at org.jboss.weld.bean.ManagedBean$ManagedBeanInjectionTarget.inject(
	at org.jboss.weld.bean.ManagedBean.create(

Injection of fields annotated with @EJB does not work in JBoss 7. It was used in two places in the ServerSmokeTest application. I just replaced all occurrences of @EJB with @Inject and after redeployment the application worked perfectly. It is a known problem and is going to be fixed in Jboss 7.0.1.

Please keep in mind that the ServerSmokeTest is just a Smoke Test and not a TCK.
For more details see:

So we got another capable Java EE 6 application server!