Simplest Possible, Annotation-Less EJB 3.1 📎
The Bean is just a POJO - without any dependencies to libraries etc:
public class MessageFacade {
public String hello(){
return "Working without annotations";
You will need to specify everything in XML:
<ejb-jar xmlns = ""
version = "3.1"
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">
Now you can use already the no-interface view Bean and inject it into a servlet (JSF backing beans, interceptors, other beans):
public class FrontController extends HttpServlet {
MessageFacade facade;
With XML (ejb-jar.xml) you could develop the whole application without even having the EJB 3.X API in your classpath...
This sample was deployed as a WAR. The ejb-jar.xml has to be placed into WEB-INF.
The project (AnnotationLessEJB31) was pushed into: The code was tested with Netbeans 6.7 and Glassfish v3 Prelude. Netbeans 6.7, however, does not support EJB 3.1 directly. You will have to copy the ejb-jar.xml from src/java/conf into build/web/WEB-INF/ manually or change the ANT-script.
[Its one of the introductory samples (Chapter 1) from the "Real World Java EE Patterns" book]