Some useful tools for the (ancient) J2EE. 📎
- Your build-script or build-system should be not dependent on a certain IDE. The build be also able to run outside the IDE
- Wizzards are fine for the first iterations, but afterwards they are ofte not usable. If you generate code, this process should be automated and run outside the IDE
The wizzards should be also able to run in headless mode or on a central integration server.
- ANT (if you have already scripts) or Maven2 (it is more interesting for JavaEE 5)
- Xdoclet: a flexible and extensible code generator. It is very easy to customize the templates and generate additional code. Generates DDs, Local, Remote, Home, Composite-Keys, Value Objects, Facades etc.
- You can use APT (significanlty faster) instead of XDoclet. But you have to build the generator first...
- JBossIDE: an eclipse plugin (actually nature and perspective). Especially useful for code completion of xdoclet-tags (just click: ctrl+space to expand...)
- P6SPY: a free sql logging tool. Also binding variables in prepared statements are monitored.
- JMeter, Grinder, OpenSta(if possible LoadRunner). Load testing frameworks (from my perspective: even more important then unit-testing)
- JunitPerf: collection of JUnit test decorators used to measure the performance and scalability of functionality contained within existing JUnit tests.
- JConsole: part of Java SE 5. A JMX-monitoring tool.
- JEdit: very useful and powerful editor.
- Continuum or CruiseControl: central build servers (very useful)
- JDepend, PMD, FindBugs, CheckStyle, Jalopy: basic QA stuff.
- Middlegen: DB import wizzards (can generate Hibernate, CMP 2.0 etc. from DB).
- StarUML: a free UML-Tool (sometimes it is required to draw pictures :-))
- Squirrel, QuantumDB, Eclipse DTP or just Netbeans: Database explorers
- Jikes: very fast compiler for development
Enjoy J2EE development! :-)