adam bien's blog

The Most Popular Microservice (Is Written In Java) 📎

One of the most popular microservice is Jenkins CI:
  1. Jenkins was initially created by a very small team (Kohsuke Kawaguchi)
  2. Jenkins plays well with other services like GitHub, SVN, Git using HTTP and REST-like APIs. In fact Jenkins is very popular in non-Java environments.
  3. The state is managed by each Jenkins instance individually in an own repository (JENKINS_HOME)
  4. Services are exposed via Remote API
  5. The UI is self-contained
  6. Jenkins can be easily extended by an independent team
  7. Jenkins is already packaged as a micro service: just launch the service with java -jar jenkins.war

However, I bet Kohsuke didn't knew the term "microservice" as he initially developed Hudson :-).

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