adam bien's blog

The "Two Minutes To Midnight" Strategy In Software Development 📎

It seems like the first 75% of time in the majority of projects is wasted for things without any additional value. At the beginning of a project there is not a lot of pressure, so a lot of time is spent for esoteric discussions, unrealistic evaluations and production of "write only" documents.

It seems like developers are not allowed to start with development until the "ivory tower guys" found the ultimate solution. Such a solution rarely exists in the practice, so after the majority time is wasted, developers have to hack the application in the fraction of the initially planned time. 

Its a pity, because instead of discussions and documents, the time could be spent for the creation of spikes, PoCs or prototypes. It is a lot easier to evaluate working code, than nice looking presentations, or bubbles.

I'm sure the agile people have already a (japanese sounding) term for the "Two Minutes To Midnight Strategy":-).