adam bien's blog

Top 5 Posts Of November - NetBeans 6.8, Sudden Death of Enterprise Projects, Jigsaw And Java EE 6 Kilobyte Deployment 📎

  1. Two Amazing NetBeans 6.8Beta Features (8877 views)
  2. Sudden Death Of Enterprise Projects? (6379 views)
  3. Modularization (Jigsaw), Multi-Catch And Probably Closures Will Make Into JDK 1.7 (5093 views)
  4. Fire And Forget. Without JMS. With EJB 3.1 and 8KB WAR File (4405 views)
  5. Java EE 6 Kills The WAR-Bloat - The KiloByte Deployment (4225 views)

and:  326041 direct requests ,  74519 RSS reads and 22659 atom reads (best result ever)

Daily Avg. Visitors  6946 (October  7236)

Total Visitors  208407 (October  224329) 

Total Hits:  680652 (October  775886)

In November I was a lazy blogger - so it wasn't the "best month ever". It was still twice as good, as last year. December and January are looking great again - so good, that I had to optimize the stats process.