adam bien's blog

TwitterPizza, DukeMugs and eTradr - Three Java EE 6 Sold Out Hacks 📎

One week with three slide-less sold out Java EE 6 events. The week started with JUG Berlin. Attendees decided for the Pizza Service implemented with Java EE 6 - so we did it. A student even managed to implement the application with me in real time. There were about 100 free places - the event was sold out in 3h.

In about 1 hour at the Java Dev Day we built DukeMugs Java EE 6 application. Oracle sponsored ten mugs with duke rockstar, which I gave away for the best questions. This event was moved from a smaller into a bigger room. We reached the max capacity of the bigger room as well, so the registration had to be closed...

In a whole day workshop at OOP Conference in Munich, we built an eTradr application. An attendee had deep trading domain knowledge, so we leveraged that for building a application and explaining Java EE 6 practices and techniques. We managed to build a whole application with Unit tests, mocking, load tests, REST (json, persistence), transactions, Servlets 3, JSF 2, discussing modules, architectures etc. I answered approx. >50 questions during the workshop and during the break.

The room was big enough, but they were not enough chairs... It was fixed before the event.

I pushed all sample apps into (in the "hacks" folder). The "patterns" and best practices are also described in my latest book.

Seems like Java EE 6 becomes extremely popular - at least all Java EE 6 related events are consistently sold out. Also interesting: only few attendees are actively using J2EE 1.4, the majority uses Java EE 5 and only few are using Java EE 6. Good news: the migration from Java EE 5 to Java EE 6 is nothing but fun :-)