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k8s Costs, UUIDs, EJBs to CDI migration--Questions for 128th 📎

Questions and topics for the 2024.11 / 128th edition of with the following topics:
  1. K8 cost estimation
  2. UUID generation for persistence
  3. Thoughts on: How to migrate from EJB to CDI?
  4. the 100-episodes back time machine. Questions from: 28th
    "Java EE 8 News, New server (the real hardware): the part list. Oracle says it is 'commmitted' to Java EE 8 announcement Wildfly-Swarm, Payara Micro and the relation to microservices Dynamic injection into @Stateless EJBs Handling ViewExpiredException in JSF Managing JAX-RS clients on servers Accessing GlassFish / Payara logifles from the browser Is overusing CDI a code smell? JAX-RS MessageBodyWriter and Singleton challenges How to approach logging in microservices? Monitoring Java EE methods"

Any questions left? Ask now: and get the answers at the next Some questions are also answered with a short video: 60 seconds or less with Java

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