adam bien's blog

Constructor DI, Interface Misuse, JSON validation, Re-Architecting, Lift and Shift, Docker Redeployment--Questions for 126th 📎

Questions and topics for the 2024.9 / 126th edition of with the following topics:
  1. Thoughts on constructor injection v2
  2. misusing interfaces
  3. JSON object validation
  4. thoughts on MicroProfile and Jakarta EE
  5. re-architecting, lift and shift and: adambien.blogmigration and training
  6. private vs. public cloud hosting
  7. > 650 youtube Java shorts
  8. the 100-episodes back time machine. Questions from: 26th

    Java EE 8 News, the guardians and the background JSF 2, NIO, asynchronous programming, performance and 2k concurrent users Injecting subtypes and delayed execution Character encoding and JAX-RS How to deal with shared business methods (IBAN) Subjective opinions about BPM with objective arguments JPA entity injection and merging best practices Multitenancy in Java EE How to pass tenant information with the request? How to migrate away from RichFaces? Source code analysis for transaction processing Where to put BaseEntity in ECB? Redeployment in Docker Distributed service discovery, distributed transactions, logging and debugging and microservices

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