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Dying Java DBs, EJB Migrations, Kubernetes, Serverless Java, Maven, Gradle, Native Images--Questions for 124th 📎

Questions and topics for the 2024.7 / 124th edition of with the following topics:
  1. How to deal with EJB passivation in CDI
  2. How to deal with EJB pooling in CDI
  3. Migration from CMP Entities to recent Jakarta EE / MicroProfile
  4. GeeCON session "Containerless, Bloatless, YAML-less, Serverless Java #slideless" questions
    Why is Kubernetes recommended in private dc but not in public cloud? Why one should not mvn clean? Can you show what is actually inside file? Why maven not gradle? Is it a good idea to building lambda as a quarkus native image? As the bucket's name is generated, would the bucket be recreated after every deploy of the lambda? What vscode plugins are you using for this kind of development in Java? How to manage multiple environments in this setup ( staging | prod ) How to share s3 information with another project for example lambda? How are you versioning and deploying the app for green/blue deployments to run two versions at a time?
  5. Time machine / questions from 24th
    Is Java EE Dying? Cross-component business transactions and BCE Webjars?! Content negotiation Concurrency, SLSB and throttling Runtime pluggability and Java EE, CDI, OSGi Groovy-based DSL for configurability? Caches in crippled network environments DAOs, Entities, CRUD and duplication CDI in EAR Portlets vs. Single Page apps Annotation-based configuration Managing common data with REST (aka microservices) Streams vs. old collections How to deal with abstract classes in BCE?

Any questions left? Ask now: and get the answers at the next Some questions are also answered with a short video: 60 seconds or less with Java

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