With a little "hack" and builder pattern, it is possible to use almost the old syntax more conveniently.
Instead of writing a something like this:
String expected = "SELECT e FROM Customer e WHERE e.name = :name";
You could chain methods, which looks like this:
EntityQuery query = new EntityQuery.SELECT().ENTITY().FROM(Customer.class).WHERE().attribute("name").build();
A static inner class with the name SELECT implements the builder pattern and takes the responsibility for building the queries:
public class EntityQuery {
private String query;
//attribute declaration
public static class SELECT<T>{
public SELECT(){
this.sqlQuery = new StringBuilder();
public SELECT column(String name){
multipleColumns = true;
return this;
public SELECT FROM(Class entity){
The Entity Query Builder, as well as the unit tests are available from http://qlb.dev.java.net. I'm working now on the EntityManager integration. First samples should be available in few days.