adam bien's blog

Serverless Java with Quarkus, Parallel Streams, and Epsilon GC--122nd 📎

The 2024.5 / 122nd edition of with the following topics:
  1. History of and workshops
  2. Migrating JAX-RS to serverless using Quarkus: Quarkus translates JSON HTTP events to JAX-RS invocations
  3. Difference between Quarkus and Micronaut: Build-time deployment and extensions in Quarkus
  4. Using Lambda for load balancing in front of backend cloud services
  5. Java performance and energy efficiency compared to other languages based on a study
  6. Parallel streams and CompletableFuture for optimizing access to DynamoDB and S3
  7. Purpose of Serializable marker interface in Java
  8. Using Epsilon GC (no-op garbage collector) in Java for serverless
  9. Comparing Java EE and Spring performance from 8 years ago

See you every first Monday of the month at 8pm CET (UTC+1:00). Show is also announced at:

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